Plutio Derm Fluid
Plutio Derm Fluid   Plutio Derm Plus Ance / Oily Congested and Blemish Skin 油性,混合性 Petaling Jaya (PJ), Selangor, Malaysia. Suppliers, Supplies, Supplier, Wholesale | Dermaviduals Malaysia ~ Singapore
Care of blemished skin

Support of acne prevention.
Composition    Besides native phosphatidylcholine and urea, the product contains ribwort extract (active agent: acetoside), mahonia extract (active agent: berberin), the keratolytic agent salicylic acid in high concentrated liposomal formulation.
Properties    For acne on oily skin as well as against acne tarda and blemished skin .
Application    Gently apply onto the specific skin areas, preferably twice a day.
If necessary a mild cleansing with cleansing gel is recommended.
To use :
  • Apply on blemishes skin day and night after toning.
Conditions of use & warning :
  • Stabilizes blemishes skin. For oily and blemishes skin.
  • For skin treatment only.
  • Avoid contact with mucous membranes and eyes.
  • Any symptoms of irritation, rinse with water

PlutioDerm Plus 暗疮丶粉刺调理剂
  • 亚麻油酸及松树萃取,加强控油,有效减少面疱丶缩小毛孔丶改善皮肤角质化。长叶车前萃取及小檗硷,能加强净化丶舒缓,减少即将发炎的油性面疱肌肤发红。DMS®专利配方能治疗及预防乾燥丶皮肤粗糙丶脱屑丶发痒,并同步修护及保护肌肤。维他命C减少面疱造成的痘印。

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